Zah babies

The babies are here. I delivered one girl and then the next girl decided to sit awhile inside mum, with her sac brocken. So off to the vets to have a ceaser as she was so big. She popped the second girl out while waiting for them to get ready. She was having good contractions, but due to her size I opted to do a ceaser for the betterment of the pups and mum. Unfortunately I didn’t get to see the ridges wet, and although I can see they are all long, and looked like 2 crowns, I will have to wait to see them when the fluff coat dissipates. Mum and pups doing well now, they have settled into sleeping well at night. They were born on Friday 5th October. All healthy weights, from 550 grams to 625 grams. There are eight boys and four girls. Only two girls with ridges, one a pet another potential show which I will be keeping until we know how she is going. There are some lovely clear masked and red wheaten colours and some with black masking, all correct. There are some ridgless puppies also. Pics are taken of mum and pups Sunday at 2 days old. Will post more as they mature.

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